
나에 대해 ・ حولي ・About Me

Hi 👋🏻, I’m Vedu, I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Intelligence and Media Threads at the Georgia Institute of Technology, with an expected graduation date of 2025.

I fell in love with tech culture and the idea of working on technologies like the one from the show Silicon Valley, which inspired me to pursue computer science. Throughout my academic career, I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing organizations and researchers, such as the Future Computing Rogues Gallery VIP program at Georgia Tech, the Visual Computing Group at Harvard University SEAS, and Medical Computer Vision Group at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, just to name a few.

My research interests include Computer Vision, Graphics, Image/Video Processing, Visualization, and Human-Computer Interaction, and I have authored a few papers, including BrainPainter v2: Mouse Brain Visualization Software and COVerage: Region-Specific SARS-CoV-2 News Query Algorithm.

Outside of computer science, I love movies and TV, swimming, and spending time outside. I enjoy crime TV and movies, some of my favorites include Narcos, Breaking Bad, and Money Heist. As a computer science student, I love building artfully thought out products using computer science. In my free time, I also enjoy learning new languages and have fluency in Telugu, Spanish, and Latin, as well as proficiency in several programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, uPython, C, and C++. Thank you for visiting my page, and feel free to get in touch with me.

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